Friday 24 October 2014

Artists' Statements

Grade 9's will be working through a process of creating their own artist's statements for their zines.  We will examine some actual artists statements and explore how they are composed.  

Some of our observations were:

After practicing together writing a statement for Mrs. Anderson's Why Graduate project zine, students will write their own statements.

An example imitating "Backlit Memories" Artists Statement is:

Anderson’s zine focuses on the process for discovering why it is vital to graduate high school.  She explains strategies students can use to identify their own powerful ideas about the topic.

Why Graduate utilizes layers to deepen the audience’s understanding for each page.  For example, she used seeds as a background on pages where students were to allow new ideas about graduating to grow. 

“I love the power of zines; the idea of empowering others to have a voice is important to me.  The key to a fantastic zine is grabbing attention with imaginative symbols and materials.  I chose a scrapbook style to bring this project to life.  An imaginative symbol found in my work is a thumb print representing both personal style and the unique ideas every zine offers to its audience.”

Use this structure to write your own:

Remember Grade 9's Artists' Statements, Zines and all process documents (Planner, Got it? Get it!, TAG) are due Monday October 27!!

Basic Marks Breakdown:

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